Интегрированные проекты на русском и английском языках для эффективного обучения студентов [Vergun A.A. Integrated projects in Russian and English for effective student learning]

Вергун Алиса Антоновна

Студентка историко-филологического факультета, Педагогический институт НИУ «БелГУ», г. Белгород

Ссылка на статью, при указании в списке литературы (по ГОСТ Р 7.0.5–2008):

Вергун А.А. Интегрированные проекты на русском и английском языках для эффективного обучения студентов [Vergun A.A. Integrated projects in Russian and English for effective student learning] // Совушка. 2022. N2 (28). URL: https://kssovushka.ru/zhurnal/28/ (дата обращения: 22.02.2025).

Заказ № 1405509


Abstact: The article discusses potential options for conducting integrated projects at school, gives an example of a successful project dedicated to the work of A.S. Pushkin, and concludes that integrated projects have the potential to create conditions for effective teaching of Russian language, literature and English to students.

Keywords: integrated projects, creativity of A.S. Pushkin, Russian language and literature, English.


Modern methodologists and teachers of various school disciplines rightly believe that integrated projects can serve as a means of improving the effectiveness of teaching school subjects to students [4, p. ten]. In an integrated project, the subject of analysis is multifaceted objects, information about the essence of which is contained in various academic disciplines. To conduct integrated lessons and projects, N.S. Serdyukova puts forward the condition for the closeness of the content of the leading topics of subjects and their logical relationship [3, p. 46]. 

Yu.M. Kolyagin notes that the integration of various disciplines does not automatically become an integrated activity. A leading idea is needed, the implementation of which provides an inextricable link, the integrity of this project [2, p. 29].

In educational organizations of the Belgorod region, systematic work is being carried out to introduce integrated lessons and projects into classroom and extracurricular activities in order to create conditions for the effective teaching of various disciplines to schoolchildren.

The product of an integrated project can be excursions to significant places in the city in several languages, films or multimedia presentations of books, exhibitions and festivals of student creative work. Of particular interest is the experience of teachers of the Russian language and literature and foreign languages of the regional state autonomous educational institution «Educational complex»Success Algorithm «of the Belgorod region. Teachers agree with Kalutskaya E.N. that the integration of the subjects «foreign language»and «literature»can increase interest in literature and stimulate the study of a foreign language, contribute to the socio-cultural development of students; develop speech and language competence [1, p. 82].

An example of an integrated project is a short-term, practice-oriented information and creative project for the birthday of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, conducted by teachers of Russian language and literature, a foreign language as part of classes with highly motivated students at the Regional Center for the Identification and Support of Gifted Children on the basis of OGAOU OK «Algorithm of Success» Belgorod region.

Project name: «Pushkin for the Whole World».

Subject: Birthday of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin.

Age: 13-14 years old.

Place of the project in the program material: «Pushkin to the whole world»- is part of the educational material for students of the course of the Regional Center for Gifted Children as part of the educational programs «Start to the Olympics: English», «Start to the Olympics: literary creativity».

The structure of the project «Pushkin for the Whole World» is presented in Table 1.


Table 1 

Structure of the Pushkin for the Whole World project


Project goal

Increase the level of knowledge about some facts of the life and work of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin among children of middle school age by at least 5% from the start of the project

Project objectives:

  • control and analyze changes in the level of knowledge about some facts of the life and work of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin during the implementation of a number of activities;
  • to develop the creative potential of students;
  • to promote the development of value-orienting opportunities for extracurricular activities;
  • to make presentation products to create conditions for increasing the level of knowledge about some facts of the life and work of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin;
  • develop students' basic language skills (oral and written speech)
  • to increase the motivation for learning English, Russian, music and fine arts among secondary school students.

Way to achieve the goal

Creation and implementation of a set of measures to increase the level of knowledge about some facts of the life and work of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin

Project result

A set of measures was implemented to improve the assimilation of knowledge about some facts of the life and work of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin; the level of knowledge quality has been increased by at least 5%

Project requirements:

  • a questionnaire was compiled for children to determine the level of knowledge about some facts of the life and work of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin;
  • a set of activities was developed to inform students about some facts of the life and work of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin in English;
  • presentation materials were prepared for teachers to inform children about some facts of the life and work of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin in Russian and English;

Users of the project result

Children of secondary school age, English teachers, teachers of Russian language and literature


The integration of the Russian language, literature and a foreign language can be justified and necessary. This develops students' sensory perception of the world around them, contributes to the generalization of mental actions, promotes subject-oriented communication of all participants in educational relations.

The use of integrated projects can increase interest in studying subjects and help create conditions for more effective teaching of students in various disciplines.



  1. Kalutskaya E.N. Literature and foreign language: problems of integration // Telescope: Scientific almanac. Samara, 2002. PP. 80-91.
  2. Kolyagin Yu.M., Alekseenko O.L. Integration of school education // Primary school, 1990. No. 9. PP. 28–32.
  3. Serdyukova N.S. Integration of studies in elementary school // Elementary School. 1994. No. 11. PP. 45–49.
  4. Sukharevskaya E.Yu. Technology of the integrated lesson. Rostov-on-Don: Teacher, 2003. 115 p.